META AOS (Automotive Operating System) / Dealer Management System

META AOS (Automotive Operating System) is a web based application for automotive core business operation. This means that the system can be accessed from anywhere and anytime without limited by distance and time as long the user computer connects to the server.This application accommodate the whole transactions and activities in the process of Sales (Showroom), Services (Workshop) including resource settings, and Spare Parts in the Service workshop .and directly integrated with the finance accounting system. META AOS provides reports and information that can be converted into some form of reports (Excel, PDF, etc). It also designed with the very user friendly interface..

Showroom menu included the moduls :
1. Account Management ( Add On : Sales Force Android Apps)
2. Organizer
3. SPK ( Surat Pesanan Kendaraan )
4. Credit Monitoring
5. Blanko
6. Finance
7. Sales Invoice
8. PPF ( Permohonan Pembuatan Faktur )
9. Insentive
10. TTBJ ( Tanda Terima Biro Jasa )
11. Tanda Terima ( BPKB & STNK )
12. BAST ( Berita Acara Serah Terima )
13. Member Card
14. Stok
15. Retention ( by SMS / Phone Call )
16. Antrian
17. Report

Services Menu included the moduls :
1. Kontrak Services
2. Prebooking
3. Customer Card
4. Booking
5. Estimasi
6. PKB ( Perintah Kerja Bengkel )
7. SPKL ( Surat Perintah Kerja Luar )
8. Bahan
9. Parts
10. CSR ( Customer Service Retention ) by SMS / Phone Call
11. Finance
12. Antrian
13. Report

Body Repair Menu included the moduls :
1. Kontrak Servis
2. Kartu Pelanggan
3. Estimasi
4. PKB ( Perintah Kerja Bengkel )
5. SPKL ( Surat Perintah Pekerjaan Luar )
6. Bahan
7. Parts
8. CSR ( Customer Service Retention ) by SMS / Phone Call 
9. Finance
10. Antrian Body Repair
11. Progress Pekerjaan
12. Asuransi
13. Report

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